Monday, October 21, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024

Revs 2 Preview: Just Win

Over the weekend The Flock hosted Camp Mingo, a summer camp themed gathering of local FMFC supporters, players, and club staff alike. The event consisted of some of the usual summer camp activities like making friendship bracelets, pin badge making/decorating, archery, and a less-common tradition (stateside, anyway), cricket. The activities culminated in a multiple event competition dubbed the Mingo-lympics, with a trophy for the victors comprised of a wooden board and a multi-colored rubber chicken which made one of the most salacious squeaking sounds I’ve ever heard. I operated a photo booth for part of the event, there was plenty of food provided by FMFC and some generous potluckers, and we capped off the night with a roaring fire inside the Burrows Park shelter. It was loads of fun, and hopefully we’ll see it as an annual occurrence each season.

Perhaps the best part of the whole event was that it — largely for the first time this season — allowed for players, coaching staff, and front office to connect with the FMFC community at large in a setting completely separated from the football side of things. Everyone could show up, be ourselves, not worry about recent results or position in the league table, or even the upcoming games. We were free to just be, to joke around and have fun, and to share a meal together without any pretense other than getting to know each other.

Hopefully for the team it served as a bit of a reset: a reminder why they play this game and why they’re at this club, the responsibility to the people they represent that support them week in and week out. This weekend we laughed together, we sang together, and the feeling leaving the park on Saturday night was a good one, despite whatever else was waiting for us back in the real world.

As I laid down to sleep in the early hours of Sunday morning still smelling the smoke from the Burrows Park fireplace on me, I felt content and happy, basking in the good vibes this community radiates. It’s easy to busy ourselves with any of the ongoing work involved in supporting a football club, and Saturday for me was a great reminder to occasionally take a step back and take stock in the beautiful things this game and a club like FMFC can bring to a city.

Revs 2 Preview, Again

There’s really nothing new to discuss from the last time these 2 teams squared off, beyond that there may be fewer/different players in from Revs’ senior squad. Given that the MLS first team hasn’t played competitively since late September, Bruce Arena may want to give some of his players a run out before they play on Saturday. Carl Craig seems to be tinkering slightly with his lineup, but it would appear still favors the 3-5-2 formation he’s been fielding. Ryan Sierakowski will still be looking to get one over on his Revs teammates, having failed to put one on target just 11 days previous.

Damian Rivera is still a threat as I outlined previously, and aside from his starting the buildup to their goal last time around, he was kept relatively quiet. Justin Rennicks also proved to cause trouble for the Flamingos’ back line, with 4 successful dribbles and 2 shots on goal. Really, the plan should be simple: just win. FMFC sits third to last place in the league table, now needing two wins to land in a playoff spot. With two games in hand on many of the top six teams, Revs 2 and Kickers should be moments to seize, and a prime opportunity to get some revenge and gain confidence going into the final 3 games of the USL1 season.


  • Andrew Schmidt

    Eclecticist, FMFC supporter, Flock co-founder, designer of things, and taker of photos. Writer, wrench, motorcyclist. Pro-intellectualist, anti-pedant. Drinker of coffee and greeter of dogs.


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