Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lagers with Lenny 12: A Christmas Roast

Good morning all, hopefully you’re staying warm wherever you are, it’s a tundrous -39°F “feels like” temperature with the wind chill in Madison this AM. Days like today make me wonder why I still live here, but then I remember how lovely it is from May through October, and what would I do without Forward Madison football at Breese every Saturday night in the summer? Winter in the upper Midwest is very much a “grin and bear it” type of season, the dry air and bleak landscape wreaking havoc on one’s skin and mental health. We’re past the winter solstice at this point so the days will start to get longer, and once the holidays are over we’ll have another 12-16 weeks of wintry climes. I’m just glad mid-February approaches where we’ll start to see the first of the preseason scrimmages and friendlies, and rest assured NDZ will be there to cover as much as we can.

Right then. On to the show.

This week we’re back at Mid Town Pub to chat with massive FMFC fan and Chicago Fire defender Eric Leonard to discuss that World Cup Final, Eric’s move to CF97, and the mathematics of counting appearances. Eric signs a blood oath he’ll return to the pink and blue someday, and it’s sealed with a light roasting. Happy Holidays, y’all.


  • Andrew Schmidt

    Eclecticist, FMFC supporter, Flock co-founder, designer of things, and taker of photos. Writer, wrench, motorcyclist. Pro-intellectualist, anti-pedant. Drinker of coffee and greeter of dogs.


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