Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

News Roundup, Richmond Preview

Good morning all, Andrew and Kyle here with a recap of the week’s FMFC news as well as a preview of the Henny Derby matchup. If you’re a Partreon subscriber and listened to Coach Glaeser’s post-match audio after the Fresno match, you likely heard him state AWO and Derek Gebhard were 1-2 weeks out from returning. NDZ has been told Gebhard has been training with the team this week (shooting was mentioned) and if the club’s social feed is anything to go on, AWO has been at training as well (no word on whether he’s even close to match fit though). Glaeser from last Saturday night:

“At least another week or two, probably. Hopefully shorter, but ankles it all depends on when you can get the swelling down.”

– FMFC Head Coach Matt Glaeser

It would be an unnecessary risk to bring them back too early, especially with a long season ahead and how sorely those two guys are missed when they don’t play. In other injury news, Rob Chappell revealed on the msot recent episode of Talkin’ Flock that Abdou left the Fuego game with a hamstring injury, and not a contact injury with the advertising hoardings. I know we still have Streng and Bartman, but without Abdou it means Rojay and Audi need to step up big time if Gebhard isn’t available to start. We’ve been sorely awaiting the very ethereal and elusive cohesion needed for this talented group to put everything together and start being productive in front of goal, and if competition is tough when injured players come back to match fitness, that’s a good problem to have.

Rooftop & Forward Club

The club released a video midweek of club owner and COO Conor Caloia, highlighting updates made to the rooftop area of the Patterson end of the stadium. The area now features a brand new brick bar crafted from upcycled brick from the stadium grandstand, as well as lowered pitch-side railings for better sight lines of the game. It looks like a marked improvement and if I were a bit more of a casual fan just looking for good stadium atmosphere and a couple of pints and bites, I’d probably spring for those tickets.

The club also released some photos of the buildout progress of the new Forward Club space under the grandstand on Mifflin Street, a venue they plan to use on FMFC matchdays as well as doubling as a soccer bar for fans of other leagues. Let’s be honest: Madison has sorely needed a dedicated soccer bar since the Nomad in the old Cardinal Bar closed; a place purposed primarily for and catering to soccer fans. Sure, it’ll probably be used for other purposes, but the idea of a bar space with flags and scarves hanging, signed memorabilia from past Madison teams and players displayed, a space for all soccer fans to gather to watch games but the space dedicated to FMFC, it could potentially be a big part of the spiritual home of Forward Madison supporters — frankly it sounds amazing and I’m hopeful it can be a true community gathering spot for fans of the sport, whether it’s FMFC matchday or not.

Eric Leonard: Mr. Forward Madison

If you haven’t yet read or listened to our most recent interview with Eric Leonard, it’s a fantastic one. With Eric’s next start, he’ll be the most capped player in Forward Madison FC history at 73 competitive games. Eric’s a standup guy and gives his all for the club every time he puts on the shirt, and if anyone deserves to be associated with this club in the history books, he’s a great candidate. Eric’s current stats in the pink and blue:

  • 72 appearances
  • 5704 mins
  • 95.07 hours
  • 3.96 days
  • 1 goal
  • 1 assist
  • 14 yellow cards

When asked about Eric after the Fresno game, Coach Glaeser had glowing comments:

Very pleased with Eric, he’s overachieved. In my estimation, he’s a massive part of our group. Leader, excellent professional, absolutely makes the most of his ability, and I’ve been more than happy with Eric. I’m delighted to work with him, he’s fantastic.

– FMFC Head Coach Matt Glaeser

Ukraine Benefit Kit

The club announced Friday the proceeds from the United With Ukraine shirts had reached ofer $35,000, a massive amount that will be put to good use by UNICEF Ukraine and the programs they fund for war-torn Ukrainian children and their families. It’s hard to believe the Russian invasion of Ukraine began over 2 months ago, and the longer it goes on, the more important UNICEF’s work will be. If you are into football kits, you can still grab one through Sunday here.

Kickers Preview

Our Henny Derby rivals Richmond Kickers are celebrating their 30th consecutive season of play which is very impressive not only in lower league soccer, but American soccer as a whole. The Kickers have seven points in their first four games with wins and that has them joint top of the table. Richmond has scored seven goals and their attack is led by two time MVP and leading goalscorer of all time Emiliano Terzaghi. On the defensive side, Akira Fitzgerald is making saves left and right which is a big part of why Richmond has only allowed three goals.

Tactically, Richmond are a counterattacking squad. Who will gladly let their opposition have the ball before winning it back and using wing players like Matt Bolduc, Jonathan Bolanos, and Matthew Bentley to go up the pitch before cutting in towards goal or feed the ball into Terzaghi. Their midfield has consistently featured Zaca Moran, Dakota Barnathan and Nil Vinyals with Moran and Barnathan covering the ground and winning the ball with Vinyals taking on the playmaking responsibility. The defense has allowed teams to take plenty of shots so Madison will need to take their chances and be more aggressive on the ball. Much like last week with Vilyan Bijev, I would expect Forward to keep a close eye on Terzaghi but need to be wary of the counter attacking threat from Richmond.

The work week is all but done, and there’s beer and rum to be drank. It’s an early kickoff tomorrow, and if you’re in Madison the watch party is at the Brass Ring. Hopefully we’ll see you there for pints and a high five or two. Take it easy this weekend, and don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.


  • Andrew Schmidt

    Eclecticist, FMFC supporter, Flock co-founder, designer of things, and taker of photos. Writer, wrench, motorcyclist. Pro-intellectualist, anti-pedant. Drinker of coffee and greeter of dogs.


  • Kyle Carr

    Capo, light gamer, podcaster and super amateur baker. All that plus some other stuff


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